
FloodMate: Flood Warning App

Android application

Floods in Assam cause huge destruction and irreparable loss to the state's economy. It causes infrastructural hazards and also blocks the transport system and makes it diffifult for people to navigate through the city during floods.

We have designed an Android application to warn the users about a potential flood in their area and help them in commuting by combining the data from various data sources. The application shows real time flood severity level in different areas of the city, crowdsourced data from the people and provides the safest directions to travel from one place to another based on data uploaded by authorities and other relevant information.

A user centered design process was followed in order to identfy the needs, goals and frustrations of the user during flood situations, the process involved methods such as Personas, Competitor Analysis, Mental Models and High Fidelity Wireframing and Mockups of the application.

We would like to thank Prof. Pradeep Yammiyavar, Department of Design, IIT Guwahati for his guidance and supporting us with desired resources during the course of this project.


Sept '15 - Present


Prof. Pradeep Yammiyavar, Dept. of Design, IIT Guwahati

Project Tags

Systems Approach to Design, Android App